The gold portion is fascinating as he is completely frank and honest in the value and behavior of Gold. He is mystified at its importance, but nevertheless does not deny its value. Not only does he explain its value, he poses the rhetorical question of "Why are major countries still hoarding it if it has no monetary value?" -Soren K.
From the Video
Greenspan Contradicts Himself out of the Gate
- He Calls Gold a "barbarous relic" in his book
- But advises holding it during times of turmoil when asked (almost under his breath)
Alan then Speaks Frankly
- Gold and Silver are the "Premier Currencies"
- "intrinsically money"
- "Why do all of the developed countries have Gold reserves?"
- without complete political integration, the Euro will fail
Gold Conversation starts at the 23 minute mark- Soren K.
The Fed is a Tool of the Pols and Banks
This is a man of great intellect and common sense. Yet his behavior during his tenure as Fed Chair contradicts his POV before and after that period. If a man as large in stature as Greenspan can be made to heel to the Politicians and their bettors: Can there be any doubt that the Fed is not a tool of the Pols and therefore of the owners of those Pols?
Good Luck
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