About Trump's New Military Ban - A Liberal's View

What is it about the neocon, neoliberal, Democratic/Republican chicken hawks that so eagerly have them send our kids to die in dirt wars (for nothing, by the way) but then chooses to question the manner in which they live? In the country they fight for?

Donald J. Trump (aka Cheeto Jesus, The Orange One, Sir Tweet-a-Lot) declared that transgender Americans will no longer be allowed to serve in the American military, negating the already 5,000 who do…

Let me get this straight (pun intended) Rumple Thin Skin, who was a four letter man in sports in high school, got FIVE deferments from serving in Vietnam because of supposed bone spurs in his foot? God bless a rich daddy… These wouldn’t be the same doctors who declared the Porcine One fit for office last year, only to find him trailing behind his more fit, European counterparts in a golf cart this last spring, now, would they?

Yeah, I’ll give you a minute for the robust smell of hypocrisy to waft all over you.

A Liberal's Reaction To Trump's Trans In The Military Decision

In the New York Times, Trump said, “Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail.”

So does the “tremendous cost” come close to the $150,000 per year that Blackwater (founded by Betsy DeVos’ brother, Erik Prince) agents get, on top of weapons we provide them? Because our guys only get around $30,000 a year to get shot at. The math only adds up in political points with the dyed in the wool, GOP knotheads who actually sound like the Clinton supporters on the left who still think she won the primary fair and square.

Cheeto Jesus is clearly, kowtowing to the right wing Christian snowflakes who think these United States are a “Christian Nation.” Well, they’re not. How do I know? Because there’s not one Bible verse in the Constitution, Bill of Rights or the Declaration of Independence. It’s these same snowflakes that, while they whine about “religious persecution” (you wanna see persecution, try smuggling Bibles into Russia circa 1977), they also crow about their religious rights being in jeopardy, while working to deny religious freedoms of not only American Muslims but of American Muslim service men and women in our armed forces. We need to quit making faith a virtue for not thinking. We also go through a lot of trouble for fairy tales…I grew up religious; and got an early release for time served, thank you very much.

RELATED: Trump States He Will Fight For Freedom Of Religion In Easter Day Speech

So can the inner dialog; all this LGBTQ stuff is based on nothing but religion. If your argument is based on any religion, stop it. We have a separation of church and state in this country. I pay taxes here too so my filter is “who are they hurting?” No one? Good, you may carry on…

But hey, who am I kidding? It’s not like President Tiny Hands longs for a legacy of statesmanship but does this crap for politics, while secretly weeping over an unfulfilled, populist agenda. That’s like saying Michael Bolton really wants to make a Led Zeppelin record. Michael Bolton is who he is, and the Orange One is too.

A Liberal's Reaction To Trump's Trans In The Military Decision

At least in Bolton’s case, there’s a discernible talent whether I like it or not. In Trump’s case; his talent is for filing SIX bankruptcies and having to take in Russian money laundering work to get out of debt. By the way, as a side note to the so called liberal; there’s your smoking gun you idiots, not the election by where the DNC should actually be investigated for voter fraud or “collusion.”

But I digress…

When are we as a nation getting back to what makes sense? When do we start asking better questions? I live in Texas, where going to the bathroom is a big deal, apparently. This week, there’s a “special session,” on the bathroom bill, among other, knot head religious issues that have zero bearing on state business much less the business of the U.S.

Here’s the thing;

  1. Trump is no more a Christian than I am a Martian.
  2. While we have religious freedom in this country, we also have freedom from it.
  3. So, as a fellow TAX PAYER, we do NOT legislate on faith. PERIOD!

2+2=4 and that’s fact. 2+2=4. 6 is taken on faith and anyone selling that to you is making you a sucker. Sleep tight.

Read more by MarketSlant Editor