Blockchain Daily: Apple Approves Dash as a Digital Currency


Apple Approves Dash as a Digital Currency


Posted by Lester Coleman for

Apple has approved Dash as digital currency, reversing an August 2016 decision to deny Dash entry to the App Store for applications that integrate Dash, including the Dash wallet. Apple reversed its decision following an appeal.

Dash can now integrate into any relevant application in the iOS App Store, including multi-blockchain wallets and Dash’s wallet, according to a Dash announcement.


A Big Gain For Dash

Ryan Taylor, CEO of Dash Core, said it is important for users to have access to Dash funds on different platforms, particularly mobile devices.

He said:

Dash’s instant payments make Dash ideal for point-of-sale situations, which means mobile phone support for all of our users is a must. The fact that Apple now recognizes the increased demand and importance of Dash speaks to the progress we’ve made in reaching larger and larger audiences

Developers and blockchain companies have submitted various Dash-integrated wallets to the App Store, most of which were rejected.

Apple Follows Rigorous Standards

Taylor said Apple is trying to ensure user safety by preventing less reputable projects from accessing its Apple Store ecosystem. A number of unaudited and unofficial Dash wallets slipped through the review process, causing users to question the options.

He stated:

Now that Dash is an Apple-approved digital currency, we are able to offer our users an officially endorsed wallet option. Our users can confidently use Dash wallets that are maintained, officially supported, and known to be safe.

Apple has demonstrated a willingness to allow worthy digital currencies into its platform, which requires an incredible amount of due diligence on their part, he said. The final step of the appeal process was a six-page report submitted to the App Store in early June that noted Dash’s growth in value and demand, its ability to scale, and its improvements over bitcoin as an e-commerce currency of choice.

Also read: Dash reveals roadmap for mass adoption

Dash Points Out Its Advantages

Dash asked Apple to reconsider its position since Dash has demonstrated its superiority as a currency compared to other options, as well as its Evolution release over the next year.

Dash also wants to meet its users’ needs, including support for Apple products. Taylor said there is a lot of overlap in both companies’ user bases, as both have optimized the end-user experience.

An official iOS compatible Dash wallet, built by the Dash Core team, is ready for download on the App Store. Taylor said a version called “Dash Wallet” has been ready for many months pending approval. Dash will now make bigger investments in its iOS wallet, the initial version of which will include support for sending InstantSend payments.

Dash will release additional features over the coming months.

Featured image from Shutterstock.

Read more by Soren K.Group