Dear Mr President: an MS Reader's Sardonic Critique


submitted July 4th by a Marketslant community member

Dear Mr President

We do not have to create jobs, build bridges or any infrastructure at all

The economy is doing just fine and even better on Wall Street.

As indicated on the chart All we have to do get more ETF's with options

Then we can ALL play the same game on our computers

We will all have enough money to pay for health care so why even bother with that.

Its a win win situation .

We simply make programs that imitate investors to move the market up and down and we can all be rich

Oh by the way , if you want to know where the market is headed next week, ask the option traders

They get it right every day, week and hour.

They know where the top is , the bottom when to buy and when to cash out and how to perform Friday shenanigans.(you know when premiums are very low)

They truly are the professional example of what the stock market (I mean option market) is all about.

And then there is Mr VIX, all knowing , always gets pumped when the puts are cashed out and then very subdued when they are bought


A true maverick who senses everything , reads everything and knows when and how to behave.

An amazing addition to the option SCAM that has gotten out of control .

Wall Street would have an option chain on sand and water if they could figure a way to move it.

And dont forget Mr "Futures" always aiding and assisting the options that were placed the day before.

What would we do without him.

Yes Mr CFTC and SEC , I know , you are so busy looking the other way that all of this goes unnoticed

I am sure that July will bring lots of fireworks..