Ecuador’s New Prez Has Got Assange’s Back…Somewhat


Although Ecuador’s new leftist president Lenin Moreno is giving Julian Assange asylum at the country’s embassy in London, he still used one word to describe the WikiLeaks founder:


"Mr. Assange is a hacker. That's something we reject, and I personally reject," Moreno told journalists on Monday.

Sworn in as the Ecuadorian leader earlier this month, Moreno has taken a different approach than his predecessor Rafael Correa, who reportedly referred to Assange as a “journalist.”

Assange has been in hiding at the Ecuadorian embassy in London for five years now. He was first granted asylum by Correa in 2012 “to avoid extradition to Sweden over rape allegations,” according to media reports.  

However, Assange is not entirely safe.

Morena’s opponent in the 2017 April elections, Guillermo Lasso – who was vocal about evicting the notorious hacker from the country’s embassy – only lost by a small margin....51.16% to 48.84% to be exact.

What’s next for Assange? What do you think?