Inchworm Robbery of The World
Monday, April 12, 2017
I am one of those investors who was lucky enough to learn from their parents. Mostly my Mother. My Father tried but he was the typical post WWII & Korean War fella, very busy.
Back in those days, there was hardly a B/W TV and certainly nobody had a computer! My mother sat with my squirming body aching to go out and play to insist I learn to understand what all the symbols meant in the local newspaper stocks section.
For a child, it was fairly dizzying. But she persisted and I became a much better informed man. If you look at all of the different outfits that report “news” these days, I find myself aching for the no-nonsense factual delivery of a Walter Cronkite. What happened? Where did THE NEWS go? Today, CNN is the “left” news and FOX “right” news with RT (Russian Times 24/7 on YouTube) The Kremlins’ own mouthpiece right here on American soil.
You will see very quickly, that I am not a conspiracy theorist nor a click-bait typewriter. The people I intend to contact for comment, if not a deeper conversation, are some of the top people in the money world. Now after a solid 10 days and multiple emails to these (3) three gentlemen, I realize they will NEVER answer me because what were going to discuss here is that dangerous. The men who failed to respond are; Mr. Celente of Trend Research. Nobel Prize Winning Economist Dr. V. Smith of & one other Gentleman I will NOT name because I am not going to kick people with juice at the Federal Reserve still.
Why? You end up with real world problems. I would like to say I am grateful to the editors & paper for this opportunity. Buckle up folks, I am about to take you on a ride that may scare you, leave you in disbelief, have you cussing at me and more. But I promise, it is all true.
We all pretty much know that Gold/Silver have been the anchor of all money since n early the beginning of culture. Have you ever heard the term “chiseler?” and do you know the origin? It came from a practice generally blamed on Jesus’ dreaded money changers, but it was done everywhere and was punishable by death!
So? What is chiseling? It is taking piles of coins and chipping pieces off each one. Very tiny, but they add up. Then they melt that into an ingot of some sort. All in all, if you take that basic dirty deed and extrapolate it to our current times, it somehow does not seem that different. You don’t even have to break a sweat robbing the people now!
Now instead of physically chiseling us, they use algorithms and computers and programming. The basic gist of how this works is beyond what we all see as a “Dealer Fee” which is above board. But ask these same Mid-Level Dealers about how the World wide Gold & Silver pile gets picked at by cloaked crows in masks, everyone taking their little piece, and all you will hear is crickets.
Let us back up a moment before we look at how the thieves are robbing us this very day. Some of the “diehard” gold and silver bugs out there will know exactly to what I refer when I raise the specter of The Creature from Jekyll Island. Written by; G. Edward Griffin. It is one of those books anyone involved in gold or silver must read. The book is about how a group of ultra-rich megalomaniacs came up with a plan to fleece first the U.S. & then the world out of tiny percentages on a second by second basis.
Sounds absurd, right? How could this possibly go on and nobody is talking about it, screaming about it? I remember some Greek folks who were rioting in the streets not long ago. They learned the truth. When their pensions were gone, when they had no money in their banks when yesterday they had enough to live out the rest of their lives. Gee? I wonder what they were so mad about?
Let me clue you in on perhaps the largest scam of all time. It is called The Federal Reserve. A lot of “suits” refer to it as “fractional banking” and perhaps I’ll return to that, space permitting. Most people, citizens, GOOD people! Believe that the Federal Reserve is a component of The United States Government OR another wing, under the Government of The United States. FLASH! It is NOT. The Federal Reserve is a Multi-National, Privately Held Corporation. People instantly respond “but it is under the control of the Congress or Senate or something?!?!” NO, it is NOT.
It’s understandable to a degree that the average US Citizen is clueless to this. We all of us, have lives, jobs, kids, bosses and Lord knows how many other things to keep us busy on a day to day basis. But we must pay attention now. AND, I do mean RIGHT NOW. Do you remember the Mortgage Market Bubble of 2008? Did you lose your home, your savings, your IRA, or a business? What is about to happen in the Stock Markets WORLDWIDE is going to make that look like a momentary power outage.
I told you my parents taught me about the markets, but I also had some genius gentlemen teach me about the entire world of how commodities make everything else work. Imagine this? No Silver, No Oil, No Copper, No Coal etc. Just those things would turn the world upside down. But let me get to the point, to the reason why I am writing this cautionary tale. All of the World’s leading banks. This includes American Banks, investment firms like Goldman Sachs, Chase, Deutsche and Scotia Bank… And not just the banks, but people like the Rothschild’s have liquidated huge amounts of equities (stocks) and have moved their wealth into very well hidden locations that privately supply, protect and defend Silver & Gold. My first glimpse of this huge move came when Deutsche Bank got CAUGHT red handed manipulating metal prices. The second domino for a little guy like me was watching Gold take a nose dive after this past summer. And the perfect place to be at that moment would have / was DUST (stock-ticker). And at that very moment? Overnight, LITERALLY the prices were raised astronomically, but the amount of share you owned were now less than a 20th of what you owned the day before. Overnight, I was out thousands of dollars.
No explanations, no reasons, no news on why or what….. nothing!
Im going to tell you. The opposite of DUST is NUGT. Another large GOLD play is JNUG, and I would keep a close eye on these right here, right NOW. Do you think there is Gold in Ft. Knox? There is a lot of Gold underneath Chase Manhattan in NYC. Owned by multiple Govts and they shuttle this from cage to cage. You can even take a tour! It’s a joke.
And the biggest joke of all? Is when the Market goes from 20,500 to 12,000 there will be some big smiles, and some bigger tears.
Follow me on Twitter: D.W.ReZn8Zero
Read more by Benjamin Walker