President Trump Shifting Political Loyalties

President Trump Shifting Political Loyalties 

via Ciccero and Natpolitics

When Donald Trump emerged from the field of Republican candidates for President, many knew times were changing.

The allure and appeal of Trump was unmistakable – someone who talked like the average citizen and stood up for his opinions. The GOP was yearning for such a figure, as the citizenry continues to grow tired of the “establishment” and weak leaders such as Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan.

However, very few could have predicted the current political landscape in Washington DC. The current scene strikes me as an amoeba-like figure, which can shift and change. Conservatives need to remain steadfast through the rest of 2017 and 2018. More battles and fights lie ahead.

Draining the Swamp?

Draining the swamp was a talking point harped on over and over again during the primary cycle. As attractive as the slogan is, can any of us say we are accomplishing the task?

One of the first peculiar moves from President Trump was to align himself with establishment (aka Swamp creatures) types such as Reince Priebus. Shouldn’t Reince be near the top of the list of those who need to be kicked out of politics?


Then, President Trump stood steadfastly by Speaker Paul Ryan’s side as their Obamacare-Lite bill perished and was unable to even gain enough support to consider a vote. An embarrassing first crack at removing the ACA from our lives. President Trump should have called a spade a spade and publicly criticized Paul Ryan. After all, the people want a full repeal and this Republican healthcare bill was not that.

First, Reince. Second, Paul Ryan.

How is draining the swamp going so far?

Freedom Caucus Targeted

The Freedom Caucus are a handful of representatives who stand hardline for conservative values. They were vigilant in facing the Obama Administration and for that, they should be commended.

Just because the power of the Presidency switched from Democrat to Republican, doesn’t mean that the Freedom Caucus was just going to alter their beliefs and support without question a Republican President. It was refreshing to watch them stand tall on the GOP Obamacare-Lite bill.


Now though, they are under attack and have even been threatened by President Trump. To me, it is irrational to champion the phrase “drain the swamp” and to also wish defeat on the Freedom Caucus in the 2018 primaries.

President Trump is making the swamp very muddy. It is hard to tell who stands for what. What lies ahead in the future?

Vague Politics

In the special election for Tom Price’s seat in Georgia, Republican hopefuls are staying very vague in regards to their potential allegiances. The New York Times is reporting that none of the highest polling candidates would agree to join the Freedom Caucus if elected.

It makes sense considering the little feud between Trump and the Freedom Caucus. Regardless of who was right or wrong on health care, GOP candidates are doing anything and everything to ally themselves with President Trump and come off as someone who would go to DC to “get the job done”.

Philosophies such as “conservative” and “populist” are blending and are becoming harder every day to identify. President Trump has quite literally broken the mold of philosophy politics. People are supporting Trump because they like him as a man.

Potential Dangers

I would warn us all now if we cannot break through to our representatives and have them approach Washington DC with common sense repairs, then we could be facing a very different Trump in 2018. Let me explain.


President Trump has already demonstrated that he does not solely identify as “Democrat” or “Republican”. He is willing to negotiate with everyone and make deals. If Republicans continue to squirm around and leave campaign promises unfulfilled, 2018 will shift congressional power back to the Democrat Party. Trump would then be negotiating with the Democrat Party in order to accomplish any progress.

I surmise that President Trump has more loyalty to his “success” as President then he does any one philosophy. 2018 and beyond could unveil liberal bills and policies coming from the White House.

Full story here


Read more by Soren K.Group