Roger Moore Dies: Rule of 3 Complete

Celebrity Swimming Pools.

By Fay Dress for SKG 

In celebrity death circles the rule of 3 is commonly accepted "myth" at least where I come from.

I've always wondered how that came to be? How do we know after a second tragedy that we are not starting another 3 cycle? This would imply 2 rules of 3 running concurrently. Today we have our 3 of 3 or 3 of 9, depending on one's math.I

+Today Roger more died. He was my childhood favorite Bond and a product of the times. The franchise was in jeopardy when Connery left (again) and there was performance anxiety. Enter The Beatle(s)


+The Bond Franchise Fear Barometer

As a result, Paul McCartney was brought in for the title song, Live and Let Die, to add star power.

It worked, and to this day Bond themes are almost always done by established stars now. The bigger the singer, the more worried the studio is about movie success. 


1-Roger Ailes- pioneering and controversial Fox News executive. Combined partisan  broadcasting with sensationalism in his "Orchestra Pit Theory"


2- Chris Cornell- One of top modern vocalists with a 4 octave range. Ranks behind only Freddie Mercury and Jeff Buckley on many rock singer "all time" lists.



3- Roger Moore - Movie Star. Took James Bond into the 1970's with more gadgets, and a more caddish humor. Star of TV Series "The Saint" for which he was recruited as Bond.



Vincent Lanci

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