Ron Paul isn't a Gold Bug, He's a Libertarian. - Soren K. Group

Ron Paul is Not a Gold Bug, He is a Libertarian.

The man is viewed as a Gold Bug. He is not. He is a Libertarian. And that is hard for some to understand when he criticizes Trump. It is causing a  split between republicans. This split is felt within our own writing group as well. Ron Paul's criticisms of Trump are losing him friends in the Libertarian movement. But that is the point, isn't it?

Those who support Trump are not Libertarians. They are libertarian leaning. What unites those 2 different groups is the sound money aspect of the platform. And what divides them is the different expectations each type of libertarian brings to the table.

Ron Paul is not a Gold bug. He is a Libertarian. He is for sound money. So if you are a fan due to his affinity to Gold and like Trump's actions so far then prepare to be disappointed. 

Ron Paul Yesterday:

The Trump Administration’s declaration of war on whistleblowers and Wikileaks is one of the greatest disappointments in these first 100 days. Donald Trump rode into the White House with promises that he would “drain the swamp,” meaning that he would overturn the apple carts of Washington’s vested interests. By unleashing those same vested interests on those who hold them in check – the whistleblowers and those who publish their revelations – he has turned his back on those who elected him.

You mad that Old Ron is calling Trump's actions out again? Then you are not a Libertarian. You are libertarian leaning. 

Paul is also not for protectionism in the U.S even if that costs us jobs. He feels that given the chance, free markets unfettered by governmental restraints or subsidies will do a better job allocating resources. That is another issue he has with Trump's policies. And he is right. But he is also impractical and probably knows it. He is a man who knows his role.

Ron Paul on Trump's Foreign Policy Approach

 On the one hand it was very encouraging when he said that under his Administration the US would “seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world,” and that he understands the “right of all nations to put their own interests first.” He sounded even better when he said that under Trump the US would “not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example. We will shine for everyone to follow.” That truly would be a first step toward peace and prosperity.

However in the very next line he promised a worldwide war against not a country, but an ideology, when he said he would, “unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate from the face of the Earth.” This inconsistent and dangerous hawkishess will not defeat “radical Islamic terrorism,” but rather it will increase it. 

Right again. But not practical

Brian Brady wrote in defense of Trump :

Ron Paul said that Trump has no governing philosophy and President Jimmy Carter says Trump is “malleable”.   This can be an extraordinary boon for those of us who believe in Constitutional government IF we understand that the Presidency was never supposed to be “imperial”.    The Executive Branch exists to enforce the Republic’s laws and, if the Republican-controlled Congress keeps President Trump in that box, it can legislate a center-right agenda for 6-12 years.

The organized labor movement wants to “Make America Great Again”…on the very first day of President Trump’s first term.  Paul Ryan has an incredible opportunity to be the most influential politician in Washington if he understands one simple thing:

President Trump only has one governing principle; it’s written on his red hat.

We hope he is right. We are skeptical of Trump's character no more than any previous recent president. Donald is just transparent about his narcissism.

The others were more subtle liars. The problem is Trump is a narcissist but NOT a sociopath. He knows he's full of shit because he has empathetic abilities.  The others actually believe they are saviors. It's his utter insecurity that undermines his authority time and time again we feel.

GOP Summary

  • So the Big L group like Paul was never behind Trump - who cares, small voting block right?
  • The Small L group like Paul Ryan are behind him for practical reasons.- and he will preserve his ideals while acting against them
  • The rest of the small government, low tax, libertarian leaners are slowly becoming disillusioned. -  But he's not Big Government Dem right?

GOP Fiscal Conservative Split

FTR: We are witnessing a bifurcation in the Ron Paul support base. And we'd like to address what we see as a group. it is possibly important for the GOP as a whole to note this as symptomatic of the problem and perhaps the path to fixing things in the party.

There are a lot of Trump and Ron Paul Fans on this site. We sense, FWIW, that Ron Paul's star has slipped in the eyes of many acolytes merely because has been consistent in his views. People should understand, he is a true Libertarian. And while we at SKG feel Libertarians are never going to be in power, their objectivity and steadfastness in views is needed as watch dog against power abuse. Before the Lib crowd bites our heads off, please read on.

And that is why we feel there is a growing divide among Ron Paul supporters now. Some are Pro Trump. Some are not. Some have given  Trump a chance and believe he is no different than any other authoritarian politician regardless of party affiliation. Within our own group there is a split about Ron Paul's criticism's of Trump.

Trump's policies are a negative to SKG's  Libertarian writers. Yet it was expected and accepted by our other libertarian leaning  contributors. So what gives?

Libertarians and libertarians

While we can only speak for the dynamics of our own group, we'd bet that this is at least broadly applicable outside it.

On the one hand, there are Libertarians. On the other, there are libertarian leaning Republicans. The first group are more idealistic than the second group.

The Libertarian group is not going to compromise their ideals to attain their ends.

They are calling Trump out. The second "Small L" libertarian group seems to be more practical and thus are willing to give Trump the benefit of the doubt  as long as it keeps a big government Democrat out of office.


The "Big L" group like Ron Paul are increasingly disillusioned with Donald's actions. Notice, Ron Paul does not attack Donald ad hominum. He attacks policy decisions. He addresses behavior. Big L people do not attack people. They are what we call "Greater Good" idealists.

They'll never have a President because of their ideals and unwillingness to compromise them. Detractors say they are inflexible and their inability to compromise is their problem. We say that is wrong. 

To the Libertarians who must be frustrated we say: Your ideals are not to be compromised.That is what  enables you to function in the highest capacity as patriots. 

The believers in Libertarianism must accept that their role is as police and conscience of the Republican party. They must relish in this role and not expect a revolution where all government disappears. They should be satisfied in their accomplishments in keeping our leaders in check.

Ron Paul's best work in our view would never have happened had he become Potus.  He might have been in a position where he had no choice but to compromise his ideology for more practical ends. 


The libertarian leaning GOP group are "lesser evil" types who are more practical in their approach. They are going to give Trump more leash before they complain. Without that mentality there would never be progress. Unfortunately there will be many power hungry Pols along the way who will try to co-opt the libertarian way to get votes. When that happens, we start over again.

Paul Ryan is a "Small L" libertarian. He has proven that by supporting Trump's immigration policies (Not Big L) to get his tax proposals (Big L) to the forefront.  And we believe to also get access to political funds via Koch donations.

He seems confident he won't compromise his Libertarian ideals to get in power to execute them. We do not think so. But we do think he has designs on the Presidency soon enough. And that will be a better thing than a big government Dem to his constituents.

To both groups we say this: You are needed equally. Without idealists their would be no goal for which leaders can reach. Without pragmatists, there would be no progress towards those goals.

It is sad we think that Ron's star is fading politically when he has never been more on point. Who will replace him?  Paul Ryan? Not a chance. But we bet he will be President some day. The Libertarian's Obama. Be careful what you wish for.

good luck

About: The Soren K. Group of writers are currently 5 persons writing collectively. Backgrounds are professional, ranging from Finance to Banking to Real Estate. Topics include politics, markets, and Global Macro situations with a libertarian bent. Some posts are collaborative, some individually written.


Twitter: @Sorenthek

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