Terrorist Strike In Egypt Strengthens Trump Support

Terrorists Strike Christians In Egypt

via natpolitics.com

A terrorist strike on a bus in Egypt killed 28 Coptic Christians and injured dozens more as the bus traveled to the Saint Samuel Monastery located just outside the city of Minya. While no group has claimed responsibility, ISIS is the strongest suspect because they have effectively declared war on Egypt’s Christian minority.


To be fair, we do want to be civilized and it’s a waste of resources to indiscriminately drop bombs all over the place in the hope that one of them will hit a rat’s nest of ISIS operatives. However, one should keep in mind that terrorists have been known to use civilians as hostages. Events like this terrorist attack and the one in Manchester are stark reminders that the Western world may not like civilian casualties when we go after groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda, but these terrorist organizations will go after noncombatants because they’re easy targets. These radicals simply do not value human life.

That’s why we need someone who can be tough on terrorism in office. For the eight years of the Obama presidency, radical terrorists have gotten used to the idea that they can get away with violent actions against innocent people because Obama refused to take it seriously beyond claiming credit for killing Osama bin Laden. The same goes for European leaders who refuse to admit that the threat exists and allow refugees to come into their country with very little vetting to make sure that terrorist organizations don’t slip ringers into those fleeing violence in their home countries. When the authorities refuse to even follow through on reported suspicious activity such as the previous behavior of the Manchester bomber, it gives the impression that Islamic radicals can disrespect us and scale up their attacks.

President Trump has shown that he takes the threat seriously. He has tried twice to ban travel from nations that either support violent Islamic radicals or refuse to take counterterrorism efforts very seriously. Trump has also given the military more leeway to pursue suspected terrorists overseas. His actions are not unconstitutional despite what liberal attorneys and activist judges want you to believe. It’s the president’s job to secure our borders, proactively pursue evil-doers that include Islamic radicals, and make sure that people can sleep at night knowing that they won’t be killed for their beliefs.


Actions taken by Trump also show that the president may have misspoken during his presidential campaign, but he also wants to take a firm stance against people, organizations, and nations who hate us and may have developed a habit of disrespecting us during the Obama administration. Obama was too conciliatory. Trump prefers not to compromise with the evil people who mean to attack innocents in any way that they can. He knows that evil cannot be reasoned with and won’t understand anything except a bomb dropped on its head.


Islamic radicals are the type of evil people who won’t think twice about attacking a helpless busload of Coptic Christians who are peacefully traveling to a monastery or bombing an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester. They cannot be appeased in any way. They can only be killed before they kill us. That is the only way that Western civilization can continue to exist as a society that has not struck the first blow in the war against Islamic terrorism but is willing to defend its values with deadly force so that all innocent people can live in peace.


We can hate it all we want, but that doesn’t change the fact that the first step in defeating evil is to recognize that it exists. The second is to do what it takes to eliminate that evil. The Manchester bombing and the killing of those Coptic Christians should be proof enough that evil exists. Trump is willing to do what it takes to defeat this particular brand of evil. That way, civilized people have less to fear from people who hate Western civilization and what it stands for.

Read more by Soren K.Group