Trump 2020: Ron Paul Judged "Not Suitable" by YouTube

There is little in our opinion that Trump has done correctly in his tenure thus far as POTUS. But if the elitists that think they know what is best for us continue to ram their idealogy down our throats and restrict that information  in which dissenting opinions can be heard in a reasonable fashion; they are asking for trouble. Dissuading advertisers, and thus viewers from  exposure to ideas that simply differ from the incumbency are  the road to ruin for this country. it will end in civil protest or worse. The last remaining civil protest in which the people  are not afraid to express their opinions we imagine will be the voting booth when the curtains are drawn.

Clearly the MSM must want Trump 2020 given their behavior. Who do these people think they are telling us what we can and cannot watch? The silicon valley brand of megalomaniac is showing itself to be far worse than the barons of old. They have a mission to preach, convert, and crush those who do not know "what is best for them". 

Have we learned nothing from history? To force someone to  change at gun or mouse point is to make them cling to their differences; whether  those  differences  be  us trying to get ME muslims to "see the light", or American conservatives to capitulate to  every form of civil dissent left available to  them. 

one would think the left and right would get the message that Trump is really  a 3rd party President. but that is not to be. Both parties are entrenching even more into their idelological holes. Change is not coming except by revolution. And revolution will come in the voting booth once again in 2020. Unless they censor that too.


In a tweet published Saturday, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange tweeted a screenshot of Paul’s “Liberty Report” page showing that his videos had been labeled “not suitable” for all advertisers by YouTube's content arbiters.

Assange claims that Paul was being punished for speaking out about President Donald Trump’s decision to increase the number of US troops in Afghanistan, after Paul published a video on the subject earlier this week.

The notion that YouTube would want to economically punish a former US Congressman for sharing his views on US foreign policy – a topic that he is unequivocally qualified to speak about – is absurd. Furthermore, the “review requested” marking on one of Paul's videos reveals that they were initially flagged by users before YouTube's moderators confirmed that the videos were unsuitable for a broad audience.

Other political commentators who’ve been censored by YouTube include Paul Joseph Watson and Tim Black – both ostensibly for sharing political views that differ from the mainstream neo-liberal ideology favored by the Silicon Valley elite.

Apparently having an opinion, and being qualified to have one, is not good for advertising at Google. Perhaps not the advertisers Google wants

Last week, Google – another Alphabet Inc. company – briefly banned Salil Mehta, an adjunct professor at Columbia and Georgetown who teaches probability and data science, from using its service, freezing his accounts without providing an explanation. He was later allowed to return to the service.

Conservative journalist Lauren Southern spoke out about YouTube’s drive to stifle politically divergent journalists and commentators during an interview with the Daily Caller.

“I think it would be insane to suggest there’s not an active effort to censor conservative and independent views,” said Southern.

“Considering most of Silicon Valley participate in the censorship of alleged ‘hate speech,’ diversity hiring and inclusivity committees. Their entire model is based around a far left outline. There’s no merit hiring, there’s no support of free speech and there certainly is not an equal representation of political views at these companies.”

Of course, Google isn’t the only Silicon Valley company that’s enamored with censorship. Facebook has promised to eradicate “fake news,” which, by its definition, includes political content that falls outside of the mainstream.

Still, economically punishing a former US Congressman and medical doctor is a new low in Silicon Valley's campaign to stamp out dissent.

h/t Zerohedge

Read more by Soren K.Group