Trump, Bush, Clinton...Nothing Changes

Globalism Dead? Trump Will Make a Difference?  What POTUS says matters?  - NO, NO, and NO

Acerbic words  from our friend and contributor Bon Scott who, while he is a Trump supporter recognizes that it just does  not matter who  is at the helm of an unsteerable ship that is the Global Economy.

No... this is just propaganda trying to make you believe Trump is doing anything different from Obama or Bush. He talks a good game, makes great tweets. The master Twit icon revs up the middle and lower economic classes of sheeple who mistakenly think words matter. They don't.

What matters is $200B a month in central bank money printing buying real assets, and massively misallocating resources. It will continue until it does not...   Communism is a form of government where everything is owned by The State. Soon, everything will be. Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, same guy different mustache. They've run out of German bonds already. VW stock anyone? 

The melt up continues...  have a good week

Wealth consolidation does lead to increased dependence  by the poorer classes on Government aid to keep buying Apple's new MYFACEBOOKSPACETWITTERIPHONE10

So if the government owns stocks,  and the stocks need to keep going up, then the government must subsidize the sheeple's continued  patronage of said companies. 

Conclusion: Just give all the money to Zuckerberg and Bezos. Then pay us to keep buying their crap. Poverty is power!

How different is that from what is actually happening, really?

One main difference is that the corporations own the government. So that would technically not be Communism Bon. More like Corporatist Fascism. But does it really matter?

Power vs the desire for power is what we now have. Rich people fighting over the dead carcass of the US middle class.


let the hate begin

Read more by Soren K.Group