UPDATE:Spot Gold Opens $1335+ In Line with Expectations

UPDATE 6:02 -  Gold  did  indeed open in the range predicted.  We will  continue to watch  the Yen and look for profit taking in spot level around $1351 if the gods give it to us. 


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Original post:

The Yen gapped  lower vs the USD just now in its first hour of trading. Given  past correlations, that implies a move  of $7 to $13 for the yellow metal. But of late, Gold has been overperforming relative to the Yen, and this is no surprise given the crises are asian based.

To us, anything less than $1333 spot is a spec buy, and anything over $1345 is a spec sale going in blind

We will soon see 


Historical Relationship





Read more by Soren K.Group