Watch: Students Love Socialism, But Can’t Define It

Students Love Socialism, But Can’t Define What It Is


Education fail. If they knew anything about history or government, they wouldn’t think this.

Via Campus Reform:

One student said of socialism, “I think people throw that word around to try and scare you, but if helping people is socialism, than I’m for it.”

When asked how she would define socialism, her answer was simple: “I mean honestly I’m not not exactly sure.”

“I guess just, you know, getting rid of that wealth gap in the United States?” ventured another.

One student supported it passionately, saying “It’s more of an open form of government and it feels a lot more accessible to a lot more people,” but when asked to explain what socialism actually entails, could only repeat now-common refrain: “To be quite honest I don’t know.”

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Read more by Soren K.Group