Who Accepts Bitcoin (Infographic)

By Karthik Reddy

Original Article

Everybody will remember 2017 as the year when cryptocurrencies skyrocketed in value, especially Bitcoin. While Bitcoin was slowly rising since its creation, 2017 was the year when its value went from around $1.000 to almost $20.000, making some of the skeptics rethink their stance on cryptocurrencies.

Even though cryptocurrencies faced a lot of backlash in their early years, today almost everyone is on the Bitcoin bandwagon. Of course, some countries are still resisting, but the vast majority have embraced it. In a relatively short time, Bitcoin went from being an obscure currency on the internet to a payment method of the future used by big-name brands in hundreds of countries.

Now, companies like Shopify, Subway, and Tesla have fully accepted Bitcoin payments, and you can pay for any of their products or services with them. However, even if a company doesn't support Bitcoin, there are some creative ways to buy their best products with it. For example, Gyft.com will help you buy Nike shoes with Bitcoin, while Expedia has embraced this cryptocurrency altogether.

If you are interested in learning what other companies are accepting Bitcoin, then this infographic is tailor-made for you. Just scroll down and prepare to be amazed at how many of them are there.

Is Bitcoin Bouncing Back?

Bitcoin, will it go up in value, or will it tank completely? No one knows for sure but, considering that it is a cryptocurrency not underpinned by any asset base, the fact that it has gained so much value in under ten years is nothing short of astounding.

If you look at it that way, it does not seem likely that the crypto is going anywhere anytime soon, does it? And there are a number of retailers that would agree with you. From big brand names like Remax and Subway through to quirky newcomers Tesla.

Why not book your next holiday using your Bitcoin? Go through to Expedia and find a great promo. Or, if you want a trip a little further afield book a spot with Virgin Galactic and use your Bitcoin to explore a whole new galaxy.

Bitcoin, as it turns out, is a good fit for your everyday Earth citizen and any aliens among us desperately trying to get home.

In all seriousness though, Bitcoins can be spent in a number of different places. We compiled a list of these in the interesting infographic below. With more companies starting to consider adding Bitcoin to their roster of most valued players, there has never been a better time for this currency.

Sure, there are bound to be the old speed wobbles along the way – like what happened when the world went Bitcoin crazy and bought as much of the stuff as they could lay their hands on and the value shot up.

Or the shock when people started selling and the value halved again. But isn’t that to be expected with a volatile market currency? We see this kind of thing played out with normal FIAT currencies on a daily basis, though the extent of the changes is largely dampened by government interference.

So, with all its ups and downs, one thing does seem certain – Bitcoin is making waves and looks set to do so for a while yet.

Karthik Reddy, Community Manager at 16best.net, is the author of India's Number 1 travel blog. Boasting an MBA in computer science, he once decided to get away from the office desk life and take a breathtaking journey around the world. He is eager to use the power of the global network to inspire others. A passionate traveler and photography enthusiast, he aspires to share his experiences and help people see the world through his lens.

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