Trump May Have Ulterior Motives for Being Bearish on Stocks

“I don’t like a lot of things that I see,” were Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's latest comment on the stock market. 

“I did invest and I got out and it was actually very good timing,” he told Fox News in a phone interview Tuesday.

The candidate's comments come around the same time bond king Jeff Gundlach warned investors to ‘sell everything’ and Goldman Sachs downgraded stocks to “underweight.”

“The only reason the stock market is where it is, is because you get free money,” Trump said.

But could the Donald have an ulterior motive to bet against equities? Maybe…

According to research done on past presidential elections, the real estate tycoon might want stocks to crash to ensure his win come November.

“[H]istorically, the market performance in the three months leading up to a Presidential Election has displayed an uncanny ability to forecast who will win the White House…the incumbent party or the challenger,” wrote ZeroHedge in a post Tuesday.

“Since 1928, there have been 22 Presidential Elections. In 14 of them, the S&P 500 climbed during the three months preceding election day. The incumbent President or party won in 12 of those 14 instances. However, in 7 of the 8 elections where the S&P 500 fell over that three month period, the incumbent party lost.”


Food for thought…


Image source: TheStreet

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