"Hater" Judge Orders Trump University Documents be Unveiled

Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump is under scrutiny again after a Federal judge ordered the release of internal documents from Trump University in an ongoing lawsuit against the school. 

The ruling came after the Donald openly called Judge Gonzalo Curiel a "hater" and a "Mexican," as the Washington Post reported.

"I have a judge who is a hater of Donald Trump. A hater. He's a hater," Trump told a crowd in San Diego. "We're in front of a very hostile judge. The judge was appointed by Barack Obama," Trump added.



In Trump's eyes, the judge is attacking him because of Trump’s previously racist remarks regarding Mexicans as well as for his lavish plans to build a wall on the southern border of the country. (Might I remind everyone…Trump also called Mexicans rapists and criminals.)

Legal scholars told Reuters that Trump may be in trouble for making these remarks about the judge. "Trump could face consequences for slamming the judge, although many speculated that Curiel was unlikely to sanction him formally," Reuters wrote

We’re going to have to wait and see what a) the documents will reveal, b) how this could affect the candidate’s race, and c) how the judge vs. Trump showdown will unfold.

Regardless, the class action lawsuit against Trump University -- accused of "using deceptive practices" -- is still ongoing and is set for November. 

For now, to be continued…


Image credit: townhall.com

Read more by Wall St. Whisperer