I know I shouldn’t be shocked at anything that comes from the Donald Trump Republican Presidential team but here I am, with only two months to go before American’s head to the polls, surprised at the garbage excuses the campaign uses to justify is blatant lies.
This morning on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Trump mouth piece, Kellyanne Conway, said that Trump didn’t lie when he said that Lester Holt, host of NBC’s Nightly News and the moderator in tonight’s first presidential debate, was biased because he was a Democrat. But it turns out that Trump was wrong; fact checking from various news outlets has proven that Holt is actually a registered Republican.
And according to Conway, Trump didn’t actually know Holt’s political affiliation when he leveled the unfounded accusation so he couldn’t have lied.
So instead of being a liar, Trump is just a lazy idiot, too stupid to do a simple Google search before making an, untrue statement. (I will probably get a lot of hate comments from this statement but I’m tired of being politically correct. Trump is a lying carnival barker who doesn’t deserve to be in the White House as part of a guided tour let alone in the Oval Office).
While there may be reservations about Hillary Clinton being the next POTUS, she is far superior to Trump who has consistently shown that he doesn’t understand the issues and even more surprisingly, that he doesn’t care.
During the Republican primary debates he couldn’t even answer a simple question about the U.S.’s Nuclear Triad. To be far I also had to look this up but I’m not running for President.
As president, with the ability to launch a nuclear strike, Trump should at least know how the payload could be delivered.
I wish I could say that Trump’s accusations of Holt were just a “miss-step” on what has been a long campaign, but this is just par for the course.
Trump started his political run by accusing President Barack Obama of being a secret Muslim who was not born in the U.S.; during the primary campaign he accused the father of one of his opponents of being with Lee Harvey Oswald after he shot President Kennedy. He has also accused Obama as being the founder of ISIS.
He has consistently mispresented facts and spread completely false statistics on twitter.
Four times he has had to file corporate bankruptcies for businesses that he has run into the ground. Trump University is facing fraud lawsuits and it turns out The Trump Foundation is nothing more than a personalized slush fund.
The list goes on and on and it all adds up to the same thing: Trump is unfit to be the leader of the free world.
I can only hope the rest of the country comes to this realization after tonight’s presidential debate.
Read more by Just_another_wiseguy