It has been a while since I have written about the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and I have to admit that it has been refreshing. It is nice not having to dip into the filth that he uses to smear our democratic process.
However, his latest stupidity is just too much to bare as he maligns the entire democratic process. At an event in Columbus Ohio, he said that he is “afraid the election is going to be rigged.” He doubled down on his stupidity (but what else is new) in an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity; he said that he has been hearing “more and more” that the election might not be fair.
I just keep asking myself where the heck does he get his information or who are these people that he is hearing this from that allows him to make this assumption of our election process, which has been used since the creation of this great nation.
This is just more garbage, spewing from a petulant man-child who if he can’t win, wants to burn down the arena. This just goes to show that Trump has no clue what the hell he is doing and that he has no respect for our democracy or the election process. Nothing is off limits with this guy, who would go after a military family because he felt slighted.
He is going to have to deal with a lot of criticism, and this is not the way you handle it. His thin -- almost transparent like -- skin makes him unable to deal with a real crisis and unfit to be the next POTUS. He would be too busy tweeting insults to his critics.
Time after time, Trump has used conspiracy theories to attack his opponents and these have turned out to be not only false but incredibly stupid.
President Obama was born in the U.S. and he is not a Muslim with ties or sympathies to Islamic radicals. Ted Cruz’s father was not with Lee Harvey Oswald, the Democrats did not intentionally plan to presidential debates on the same day as football games. These are just a few of his stupid theories that jump into my head but there are just too many to name.
I think it is time that the American public demand facts and start holding the Republican candidate responsible for his comments. If he wants to show that he respects the American public or the electoral process, then he will have to release his tax returns.
Here's a theory: Trump doesn't want to release his tax returns because it will dispel the biggest conspiracy of them all...that Trump is a great philanthropic businessman.
Read more by Just_another_wiseguy