[VIDEO] Deplorable: End of the Hillary Campaign

"I think Hillary Clinton got caught, she has given us an insight into an elitist attitude and what the elites think about normal, everyday, hardworking Americans who are sick and tired of what is going on in this country," - Marsha Blackburn

-Soren K.

Hillary is Unfit to be President

written by Vince Lanci of Echobay Partners

Basket of Deplorables FTW?

Summary- Elitism

On Friday speaking at a LGBT fund raiser Hillary Rodham Clinton betrayed her feelings about at least 25% of the American populace.  She attacked the same ones she courts with her “I’m like you” pantsuits. She demeaned people who are not as evolved in their thinking as she is. She used her own intolerance as a means to garner support from a group of people who have lived under the yoke of intolerance for centuries. And while those LGBT attendees applauded her statements, people just like them are being killed daily. People are stoned to death for dressing like women. People are murdered for being homosexual.  People whose leaders are major contributors to the Clinton campaign.  I’m referring to the Middle Eastern Saudi leaders with whom Mrs. Clinton aligns herself for capital raising purposes.  What follows is a recap and commentary on her transparent avarice.

Speaking at LGBT audience spreading hate- ironic

Speech Transcript

What Was She thinking?

Ambitious and dumb.  Ignorance and arrogance.  Take your pick. They are dangerous combinations when a person has authority over you. There are no secret bubbles left in this world where you can say things like that and get away with it. And yet she tried to do so. “Her speech writer wrote that”? - So what. “She went off script?” -Do not care. “She was swept up in the moment?”- The worst scenario and from my seat, the most likely.


The Retraction: Bad Math

In which she apologizes for the “half” part, not the Basket of Deplorables stuff

You are still Deplorable- just not as many.

At first it seemed like a total retraction. But then she goes on to describe the “fringe element”. This removes doubt. She was apologizing for her math, not her judgment. And in doing so she is attempting to not lose those American voters who are viewed as bigots by  the Liberal establishment. Clinton needs those “bigots” to vote for her. She just doesn’t want them to know she thinks they are bigoted. Or for that matter, remind them she is pro-choice. But the mask slipped off Friday night.  She actually reminds those who she offended that many are “hard working Americans”. What a Clown.

Clinton Math: Bigots are not Hard Working

What is the overlap of hardworking Americans and Bigots by their calculus? We know she has that number. It determines her clothes, and her statements when courting the vote of middle America. That part of America that is Anti-Abortion, hardworking, religious, and less than enthusiastic about Donald Trump so far.

Conclusions and Profanity

  1. She is not "The Lesser Evil"
    • Donald Trump is so transaprent in his ambition that he telegraphs himself.
    • Hillary Clinton obfuscates everything. She no longer has a compass of Truth
  2. She is not "The Devil We Know" andTrump is not the" devil we do not know".
    • The concern of Donald rational or not will put the Constitutional checks we value at teh forefront
    • He is transparent. She is opaque and owned by her financiers. We know nothing about  her

As a risk manager my tendency is to see the other side's view and handicap the probability of being right before making a trade. The trade being short stocks and/or buy Gold or not based on the election.   In this case I could go on about liberalism’s main concern being only its own preservation of ideologies. I could describe the utter lack of difference between the GOP and the Elite Dems. That Corporations own the Pols and describe how American market structure is being gamed. That would all be true. Fuck that today. I’ve played this out in my head for 2 years now. Today is about conclusions.

This is about a liar who is unfit to lead. This is about a person who wears a mask. That mask is cracking and beginning to reveal a persona that increasingly exhibits cognitive dissonance and guilt, or has a personality disorder. Either what is left of her conscience has died, or I’m reading her wrong and she is just avarice and ambition wrapped in manufactured empathy. She is bad news if she wins by every measure.  You be the judge.-VBL


Hillary's Basket of Adorables


Gay Rights and Homophobes Find Common Ground

  • Later Today. Trump's Reaction, latest Polls and Friday's Stock selloff.

Email: Vlanci@echobay.com

Twitter:  @VlanciPictures


Read more by Soren K.Group