[VIDEO] Ross Perot, Nafta, Ford, and Giant Sucking Sounds

NAFTA Sucked


submitted by Soren K

written by Vince Lanci

Here's Donald Trump today on Ford's decision to move all its small car production to Mexico:

Here is Ross Perot in 1992 predicting Ford's move:

Ross Perot Debates Clinton on NAFTA- The "Giant Sucking Sound" moment:

The "giant sucking sound" was United States presidential candidate Ross Perot's phrase for what he believed would be the negative effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which he opposed.- Wikipedia

Bill Clinton: I feel Your pain, now pack your desk up, I lied

The New York Times  Helped Manufacture Consent for NAFTA

NYT: Ross Perot Was Wrong About Nafta- Nov 23, 2013

Twenty years ago, Ross Perot warned that Nafta would create a “giant sucking sound,” draining millions of jobs from the American heartland.

 Here is the funny part:

Nafta was not about the net creation or destruction of U.S. jobs; it was about better jobs and lower costs.

 Wrong. At grass roots it was about increasing corporate profits. Clinton was paid and elected to be their shill and to manufacture consent for it.

  1. lowering costs for corporations which increased profits
  2. taking our consumer economy the next level
  3. Milking the populace of its earnings capacity and increasing its debt burden

The concept may make sense. But NAFTA depended on the Corporations taking their increased profits and "trickling them down" to the consumer. So much for that.

The result is that core manufacturing is gone in many industries. Who made our vehicles during wars? Ford. Who will in the future? Ford, hecho en mexico.

Let's just hope we aren't at war with Mexico.


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