MS Edit - From Russia (via Iran) with Love
On October 10th, Marketslant published a story on the escalating difficulties in Syria. In summary we said: Syria is strategically key to Russia for its navy, Russia will not walk away from Assad, and Clinton presidency will escalate the probability of a non-diplomatic outcome.The very next day, Russia announced a pipeline deal with Turkey, and a deal with Syria to make its naval base in Tartus permanent. We were surprised, but not shocked.
Today we received anonymously what can only be described as information from a deep insider with access to diplomats and possibly middle eastern government persons.
If this source is accurate, what follows is a rare peek behind the curtain that hides what is really going on between Russia, Iran, Syria, and a US hamstrung by inept leadership and corporate sponsorship
Comprised mostly of email correspondence between the source and their contacts, it offers an apparently well-informed opinion on
- pressure to enable a deal between Boeing and Iran that undermines the US sanctions
- Obama's apparent quashing of Amb. Samantha Power's plan of more iran sanctions to contain Russia in Syria
- a Clinton Presidency as escalation of military conflict
- Iranian ICBM end game
Here is the content, unedited except for the removal of email addresses and the source’s signature. We hope to have more detailed info on this soon. Note, the info is chronologically written, with the most recent communication at the top.
-Soren K.
Hot Dog, Hi, Get To Know Em' Better (Emerging Nuke Power) From... Iran With LOVE
I know its not Friday yet, but since Russia has moved ICBMs to Kaliningrad ( http://kgd.ru/ ) a few days ago, thought I’d update early.
One thing seems clear to me, Trump is going down, and since Hill will be President, it might be good to see what is on her horizon (Our horizon, your kid’s horizon, THE Horizon).
This article at this link is informative IMHO: http://www.marketslant.com/articles/russia-isnt-bluffing-miltary-source
There is no magic wand. The King of Jordan believes WW3 is underway and the West just does not realize it, YET!
I believe the King is correct.
Obviously, if I’m wrong and Trump wins, you still lo(o)se.
A conservative, standing with conservatives,
From: (EDITED)Sent: Friday, June 24, 2016 7:13 AMTo: (EDITED)Subject: RE: Happy Friday! Iran lauching ICBM March 1
Thanks for the comment, (EDITED) Boeing lobbied for the sanctions removal, like you said, for the money, naturally. Here is a link which mentions Thomas Pickering, a State Department ex-big wig from Bill Clinton’s stint as Prez and a top exec for Boeing: http://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2016-06-23/oh-so-that-s-why-boeing-wanted-the-iran-deal The flavor of this is typical Bloomberg . Wonder if Boeing is helping on Iran’s missile’s, maybe guidance, fuel efficiency, Q-bar and what-not?
From: (EDITED)Sent: Saturday, June 4, 2016 7:55 AMTo: (EDITED)Subject: Re: Happy Friday! Iran lauching ICBM March 1
Thx for the update. I guess there is no way to stop Boeing. They have no conscience since so much money is involved. The usual comeback is "its just business".
-------- Original message --------
From: (EDITED)
Date:06/03/2016 9:05 PM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Re: Happy Friday! Iran lauching ICBM March 1
Sorry to update this; its mostly bad news. But first the good news:
Item 5 in the next previous email has been confirmed untrue! The German newspaper Die Welt had reported that the Iranian Republican Guard (IRG) was working to build missile sights in Venezuela, untrue. What was true was that the head of the IRG was in Venezuela and, hell, Die Welt juiced the story. The less about an unreliable press source, the better.
Now the mostly bad news:
Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who will be receiving most of the gross proceeds of the business deals now allowed by the nuclear sanction deal through numerous corporations which he controls, has publicly announced that the deal is a sham since international banks will not process the billions waiting since Iran is still excluded by U.S. law from using the U.S. financial system (The Federal Reserve system). I was very happy to hear that! Then Jack Lew, the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, and Barack Obama, the U. S. President seemed to both be stumbling over themselves to help find a way to ultimately get those billions on track to the Grand Ayatollah. Never mind the fact that the law forbids Iran from using our Federal Reserve, Jack and Barack can use executive order to get’er done. Khamenei never even thanked them. WOW!!!
The White House (WH) must apparently be reigning in the U.S. Ambassador, Samantha Jane Power. As you may recall Samantha Jane was rope-a-doppin Vladimir Putin, and rightly so with a well played call for new sanctions by the U.N. Security council against Iran for their ballistic missile tests. Nothing else happened on this front. Nothing! I wonder how Samatha Jane feels about being reigned in?
As Ever,
From: (EDITED)
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 10:56 PM
Subject: Re: Happy Friday! Iran lauching ICBM March 1
Wow, this needs an update!
1) Boeing (the airplane guys) are way, way into negotiations to sell Iran dozens of new aircraft worth billions. Boeing can be added to the numerous German, French, Swiss and Italian companies moving right along with earning Iran’s petro-dollar business with the sanctions lifted.
2) Samantha Power, the U.S. Ambassador to the UN, seems to be calling a spade a spade, amazing! She has called for the UN security council to sanction Iran under the resolution to remove sanctions from Iran which states that Iran should refrain from ballistic missile testing. China and Russia who have permanent membership on the security council as well as the U.S., have been accused by Powers of “lawyering” to their position that “should refrain” does not mean must refrain.
3) The WH (White House) fumbling as ever, from a certain perspective, has said in so many words “Yea, there may be new sanctions.” How could this be fumbling, you might ask? The WH never indicated how new sanctions could possibly be reinstituted without Russia and China agreeing non-withstanding Powers fine rhetoric. You might counter, the U.S. could do it unilaterally or with their buddies in the EU (Germany and their subordinates France, Italy, etc.); then, please see item 1) above, they want the biz. But really the WH is good at shepherding the sheeple, and know their statement is good for now (never mind that the end game ain’t gonna be pretty with Iran having a nuke weapon and a powerful delivery system, no more Fedex to JFK needed, probably hit Jersey anyhow).
4) The Iranians are way, way smart! They launch the little ballistic stuff, holding off on the big one as noted below, watch as the rhetoric in the UN plays out, knowing their Aces in the hole will hold up (Russia and China at the UN), as well as holding both Jokers( Guess who!) with their positions weakened. Things are going their way!!!
5) IRG is reported to be planning missile sites in Venezuela! But this needs some reconfirmation, but was reported by Die Welt, a German newspaper. Not in the U.S news....yet, hmmm.
From: (EDITED)
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2016 10:09 PM
Subject: Re: Happy Friday! Iran lauching ICBM March 1
Well now, Hillary noticed those IRG (Iranian Revolutionary Guard) missiles yesterday and a few more today. Obviously the WH (White House) can’t do to much, hell, they just bet the farm to get Iran off the sanctions hook; they did say they were checkin’ into it, though. And...Hillary wants sanctions for the missiles, as announced all across the front pages of the news wires today. Did you see that? The missiles had “Death to Israel” handwritten on them (in Hebrew) or something like that. Fat Man, the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima had “Have a nice day” or something like that hand scrawled (in English, thank you).
So, election rhetoric will need some revision as might be interpreted as:
~ Bernie: “Free stuff for everybody, especially you Michigan Folks, we’ll tax rich guys somewhere”
~ Trump: “My hot dog brand is the best, We serve em’ at all my events. So vote for me”
~ Cruz: ”Trumps hot dogs are weenies. So vote for me”
~ Rubio: “ I am a weenie, so vote for me”
~ ...and lastly, Hillary: “ Lets re-do sanctions against Iran. That ought to stop their ICBM/nuclear progress (Ya Think?!). So vote for me.”
No wonder Bibi (My buddy Benjamin Netenyahu) wouldn’t visit the WH recently!
Subject: Re: Happy Friday! Iran lauching ICBM March 1
Well, Iran did not launch their ballistic missile and satellite March 1. But, today the Iranian Revolutionary Guard did launch several shorter range (700 miles) missiles, obviously to remind the West of their power since they kept the big one on the pad (If you are wondering if their big one can reach your neck of the woods, the answer is a big yes.).
I suppose the Iranians, as smart as they are, did not believe it a wise move to have the UN sanction them for a ballistic missile test, similar to the UN sanction recently against N. Korea for their latest nuclear detonation.
So, IMHO, this is simply a timing problem for the Iranian mullah. The plan is set; the timeline is fluid. Maybe when the US election is over...
From: (EDITED)
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2016 6:01 PM
Subject: Happy Friday! Iran lauching ICBM March 1
Talk about coming in like a lion, Iran is launching a satellite into orbit March 1. Holy _hit! Hit the link for more info. Also, be sure to view the video, I don’t understand Arabic but I do understand real politic....and here is what President Rouhani is saying:
“ I have negotiated the nuclear deal with Kerry, Obama, and Biden, and their lap dogs at the banks and government of Europe (The EU), and now it is time to leverage. We are way, way, way smarter than most Americans know or care. Once we have our bomb, we will not need to load it on a Lufthansa to JFK; we simply launch straight to NYC for a surface burst. THAT should give us lots of leverage, and revenge. My boss, Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, will be very happy and allow me to live, I like that. Tel Aviv can wait till we have a few more to actually carry through and not just exert leverage”
“ The EU folks who are currently in line to do business with us, since the sanctions were lifted by Obama, can now straighten out the queue, please. Thank you EU folks for being so patient in line to do business with us. ITS ON!”
“ We are accelerating our research with the petro dollars since sanctions have been lifted and my boss (Khamenei) will review our time line for events (Nuke blast sooner than later).”
“ We don’t really have to get permission from Moscow or China for this, but we did anyway to be fer sure, fer sure. I am now fully partnered with Putin, since for a while I thought he might have been a dumbass, but he cleared things up when Obama and Kerry fumbled in Syria, and his air force is bombing the _hit out of everyone we don’t like.”
“ God is on our side and has approved all of this naturally since I am a religious person first and foremost. Peace through superior politics, and a nuke weapon with a really cool missile to get it where it needs to go (NYC).”
Like I said, I don’t understand Arabic, but I don’t need to, the message is plain.
How come this is not front page news across what was know as “The free world”? Answer: Please reply if you think you know.
Have a nice day,