Lawless Commodities Markets

The Lawless Commodities Market By: Benjamin Walker/April 17th, 2017

I love history, and because I do, I study it and see the cycles that take place. In the world of money, there is now a definitive need for oversight of the commodities markets due to the manipulation that is occurring. I am calling on THE MUCH TOO quiet SEC to get involved in exposing these carnival operators!

Where would I point them? I would point them directly to the folks. If you own (*Market Ticker Symbol) JNUG, they are about to pull another devaluation of your money. This highway robbery has to stop!

I have been reading how "geopolitical uncertainty" is causing this jump in GOLD prices over the last few days. Some of this makes sense based on my last article that was specific to not knowing what our POTUS is going to do on any given day. I said firing missiles at countries could make any market wobble, I get it. Throw on top of that the psychopath who runs N. Korea and instability seems more than apparent, but obvious. On the "geopolitical" front, if you cannot see how brilliant China is playing the USA, then you have lost your eyesight. The Chinese are building a stockpile of commodities that will force the world's Central Banks to acknowledge them, it is coming.

I suppose the "prudent" investor would be lining up for safe havens (*which would be where exactly? please share your opinion in the comments box below.) and defense industry stocks? That would appear to be coming back into line with the correlations we need in the markets, but this is smoke & mirrors. (Do you remember BlackWater? The Private Military Corporation? Well, it is collecting US $ for killing people in Africa.) Ask the average person if it seems the USA is going to war with "somebody soon" and the answer will be YES! Finally, before I give today's history lesson, I need to simply throw out another FACT that makes absolutely zero sense unless you're being told what to say. I do not know for a fact that the POTUS called a treasury secretary in the middle of the night to ask if it was good or bad for the US dollar to go up or down, but I do know that the POTUS did say the US Dollar was way too strong last week. So riddle me this Batman? The guy who makes 3 A.M. calls about how the dollar works suddenly knows the US Dollar is overvalued?

So what is the history lesson and how does it collide with today?

My next article will deal with how FDR (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) took us off the "Gold Standard" (but it was not him solely.) > "The gold standard limited the flexibility of the central banks' monetary policy by limiting their ability to expand the money supply. In the US, the central bank was required by the Federal Reserve Act (1913) to have gold backing 40% of its demand notes." < This is no longer true at all. Look at my past articles and I asked you if there was any gold in Ft. Knox? Why can the American people not see the contents of Ft. Knox's vaults and take an accounting of what actually is in there?

Me personally? I tend towards silver right now, but, at the same time, the lack of trust I have is a real "stuff it in the mattress" option. Hopefully, things will shake out, but we investors really need the agencies that are supposed to protect investors to step up and tell us what is going on?  

Read more by Benjamin Walker