Arrest Report: Tiger Asleep at Wheel, 'Took Several Prescriptions'

Tiger's Dilemma Part 2

Previously Marketslant posted the internet's first reactions to the Tiger Woods DUI Report. It was not pretty. From that story:

According to media reports, pro golfer Tiger Woods was arrested in South Florida for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. He was reportedly taken into custody at 3AM near his home and released hours later on his own recognizance, NBC affiliate WPTV reported.

The post went on to list some humorous pointed tweets. For example:


Full story HERE

Arrest Report Surfaces

Tiger Woods needed to be woken up by an officer as his Mercedes was found stopped on a Florida roadway early Monday morning, before he was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence, according to court and police records.

"It should be noted (that) Woods was asleep at the wheel and had to be woken up" the arresting officer said in the police report. "The vehicle was running and the brake lights were illuminated as well as the right blinker flashing."

From the Arrest Report:

  • A breath alcohol test administered showed no signs of alcohol in Woods' system, as he blew a 0.00. A urine sample was collected.
  • Woods failed a field sobriety test after his vehicle was found “stopped on the roadway in the right-hand lane and right shoulder” at 2:03 a.m. Monday in Jupiter, Fla. Woods was cited for improper parking/stopping, along with the driving under the influence citation.

Woods was described as being "sluggish, sleepy" with "extremely slow and slurred speech" by the arresting officer.

"Woods stated he didn't know where he was," the officer wrote. "Woods changed his story of where he was going and where he was coming from. Woods asked how far he was from his house."

Woods told the officer he "takes several prescriptions."

“Could not maintain starting position," the officer wrote. "Missed heel to toe each time. Stepped off the line several times.”

Full report below


Tiger Woods Doc by Soren K. Group on Scribd

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