Don't Blame Amazon. Jobless Consumerism is Dead - Analysis

(by PonziWorld Blogspot)

The problem with self-interest as a fake and totally hollow ideology is never knowing when it’s your own turn to go under the bus…

22 million people have to lose their health insurance to pay for Forrest Trump’s planned tax cut. And he has untold legions of brainwashed morons who support him taking away their own coverage. It’s an all time new low for the collapsing Roman empire. Selling daughters comes next:

This is a GUEST POST by PonziWorld Blogspot.

The narrative that attends collapse in broad daylight is so f’#@king dumb and facile that you have to feel mildly sorry for the Kardashianized sheeple getting fleeced by it. Eight years into the first non-recovery in U.S. history aka. Corporate Shock Doctrine 2.0, and the simultaneous collapse of EVERY retail store, shopping mall, REIT operator, restaurant, grocery chain, automaker, auto dealer is supposedly due to Amazon. It’s a narrative so f#@king stupid you have to be a South Park educated retard to believe it.

It’s the end of the *free trade* jobless consumer – the end of the fantasy that millions of people would trade well-paying good jobs for low paying Mcjobs and then borrow themselves into oblivion at 0% to make up the difference. Only then to have interest rates raised at the end of the cycle while blaming the lowest cost retailer for the simultaneous decimation of thousands of retail outlets across the entire country.

Blighted. Gone.

The jobless consumer is strictly an EconoDunce fabrication to allow the corporate arbitrage of a developed world standard of living vis-a-vis the third world, ending in mass poverty. All while stunned dunces voted against their own interests continually.

At the end of this mega-fiasco the current cadre of ultra-corrupt alpha males in all sectors of leadership will be the ones going under the bus. They won’t see it coming, because for them it was always someone else’s turn to go under the bus.

And when stoned zombies rudely awaken to the reality that one internet retailer could not single-handedly blight an entire economy, they will be shocked to learn that they got muppetized all over again by the same Fed dunces as last time. And that collapse is the new *Economics”.

This was a guest post by PonziWorld.Blogspot.  You can find the original article here: Collapse Is the New “Economics.”

I want to make sure my readers know that this article was NOT written by me, rather it was a guest post from the PonziWorld Blogspot.  I decided to post this article on my site because the author has a unique way of cutting through all the BULL and showing what is really going on in the economy and markets.  While the author uses some four-letter words and colorful adjectives to describe what is going on, words I don’t use in my blog, I didn’t want to edit too much of the original content.

In addition, the author makes a political judgment about the current President.  I very rarely write about or discuss politics in my blog… as I find that it is pointless.  The immense problems that we will be facing in the future, the Federal Government will be totally incapable to deal with.  Regardless, I do not agree or disagree with the author’s “Political judgement” as it really doesn’t matter who is in the White house now.

That being said, some followers of my site have relayed to me that they are growing tired of the “COLLAPSE” or “PONZI SCHEME” mantra.  This is understandable but quite unfortunate, as collapse continues right in front of our eyes.  However, the system is being rigged in a way that totally LOBOTOMIZES the individual’s brain to comprehend what is going on.

Basically… it all seems quite normal now to live in an economy that is totally propped up by massive Central bank intervention and debt.

However, if we look at the charts above, the author at PonziWorld Blogspot compares what is taking place in the real MainStreet Economy versus the highly inflated S&P 500 Index.  In three of the charts, the author compares the S&P 500 Index (in Grey Color) heading towards the moon versus Bed Bath & Beyond, Whole Foods and the Gap Stores which are breaking down much lower.

While the Mainstream media portrays the collapse of the Brick & Mortar Retail Market due to Amazon, the author clearly states this is WELL ABOVE AND BEYOND the pathetic increase in market share of Amazon.  What is taking place is a SYSTEMIC collapse of the entire physical economy.

In another article at PonziWorld Blogspot, the author published this very interesting chart below comparing the S&P 500 to the S&P 500 Volatility Index (its 20 day Moving Average):

You will notice that the last time the S&P 500 Volatility Index (20 MA) fell below the BLUE LINE, was in 2007.  The volatility Index has fallen so low that the market and traders have become so desensitized and apathetic, that they don’t realize the S&P 500 Index is orders of magnitude more LEVERAGED than it was in 2007…. right before the economic and market collapse.

So yes… I am writing about collapse again.  We must remember, the Roman Empire Collapsed, but it did not happen overnight.  It took decades, even a century or more.  Well, the United States has been collapsing slowly over the past 50+ years as it has debased its currency and added a massive amount of debt.  However, the disintegration of the REAL U.S. economy is really picking up speed now.

Furthermore, technology has allowed us to do things QUICKER & FASTER than the ancient Romans.  Utilizing technology was great on the way up, but it will be one HELL OF A BUMMER on the way down.

I find it simply amazing to see how the Financial Media Networks continue to rationalize this ongoing collapse as a mere TREND CHANGE from a “Brick & Morter Economy” to an “High-tech Internet Economy.”  I would kindly like to remind everyone that without cheap and abundant ENERGY… you can forget technology… especially highly advanced complex technology.

So… you better get used to the NEW COLLAPSE ECONOMICS.  It will unfold in a way that most are unprepared for.

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