Bitcoin Troll Be Gone

A comment posted on our story titled Bitcoin Deathwatch: Banks Partner with IBM was particularly interesting to us.

By @PurpleWrench

Vince, after your pathetic earlier comments, I believed that you had actually started to study the topic. Now I wonder. Quantum computing isn't here yet, but would be just as large a threat to the banking establishment's own transactions as it would be to the cryptos. To say nothing of the havoc it could cause to security across society in general. That's a wash. Cryptos HAVE taken the role of gold and silver in quite a few of the world's unstable kleptocracies. Argentina, China, Russia, the U.S., Venezuela, etc. Where do you think it's being bought the most? Their wizards have accomplished nothing consequential to suppress crypto's popularity, other than sandbagging trade into and out of their own miserable fiats. What more can they do to keep their sweet scams going? Time has shown that they don't have any answers, and I suspect that you don't either. So just where do you come off, denigrating the education of your readers? They just might turn out to be a lot smarter than you!


Soren K. Group's Response 

Our main reason for responding to is to disavow any conceit you may have that you are right. We do not denigrate readers any more than we do ourselves. IF someone is undereducated in an area (or even uneducated as we first wrote but changed it because that seemed harsh.) that does not denigrate them.

1- Vince is one of 4 people writing, but he did indeed write the intro above.

2- No need to insult us ad hominum kills discourse.

3- We know quantum computing isn't here yet

4- Banking's core will be threatened by quantum blockchain. We do not disagree. It is all in the timing. At first banking will likely benefit by lowering costs associated with back office and credit departments. For example, google what % of revenue generated by LOC's alone at banks. After Banks have reaped lower costs, unless they've branded their own pipeline, blockchain can disintermediate banking wholesale. Another example of this market structure is how internet Tech first lowered retail costs. Now it replaces retailers as intermediary.

5-What Cryptos share with Gold is they currently ensure economic freedom beyond national borders. But they are easier to co-opt by incumbent systems than gold.

6- We are confident in our assessments of market structure and parallels with other industries. We do not profess expertise in the guts of blockchain. But we are learning more daily.

So here is his name: Vincent B. Lanci. What is yours? Otherwise, we will not buy a pencil from your cup. -SKG


The Soren K. Group is:

  • Bon Scott -  Banker, political shit stirrer
  • Brian Johnson - Hedge Fund Partner, Revealer of the Absurd
  • Fay Dress - Attorney 
  • Vince Lanci -
  • Soren K. - deceased philosopher


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