Leftist Appeasers: 'Vehicular Terrorism' Did it

Ban Trucks

Sweden is a mess due to growing Islamic terror. Yet the press refuses to use those words in fear of upsetting the Radical Islamist groups. So now a 'venerable' media institution like the Economist has actually created a new term for it. They refer to the attack as "vehicular Terrorism" which implies that self driving trucks are killing people. 

A couple days ago in Sweden "someone" drove a truck into a crowd of people killing 4 people and wounding 15 others. In the time between the attack and the actually identifying the attacker the leftist media actually came up with a new term to enable further appeasement of terrorism. 


Has anyone investigated Elon Musk? Perhaps he and Uber are behind these self driving terror machines.

And here is the reality. He is a terrorist. From NBC, which still fails to mention the type of terrorist he is

'Rakhmat Akilov, the Uzbek suspect in the deadly truck attack in Stockholm that killed four people and wounded 15 others, has admitted to committing a terrorist crime, his lawyer told a court hearing Tuesday.

"His position is that he admits to a terrorist crime and accepts therefore that he will be detained," said Johan Eriksson. He was representing the 39-year-old at a hearing to decide whether he should be kept in custody.

Jonas Hysing, Sweden's National Police Commander, told reporters Saturday that Akilov's application for residency was rejected last year and he was supposed to have left the country.'

This is not new. The Economist has a long history of turning phrases to not inflame its reader base, which happens to be: globalist, kumbaya, not knowing that their world is being run over until its too late, idiots. Even Ghandi had a point where he would have picked up a weapon we imagine. These imbeciles are spewing tolerance of the intolerant from behind their walled homes.

They are taking the gun control stance and actually applying it to a business vehicle. "People don't kill people, Trucks kill people. If we remove the trucks, there will be no more killing". This is implicitly absurd. And while what we just wrote may seem like a stretch to you, the reader. While it may seem like a strawman argument to demonize the left, we ask you to behold today's news.

From Zerohedge

It was just a matter of time before we were forced to write this ridiculous post.  You knew it was coming, we knew it was coming...and now the day has finally arrived that some extreme leftist has called for the banning of automobiles as a means of preventing terrorist attacks...you know, because the person driving the vehicles couldn't possibly be to blame.  

And while you may think such logic would be reserved for the kookiest of liberal activists living in an isolated commune some 100 miles from any established commercial interests, it actually came from a reputable columnist, Eva Franchell, writing for a large Swedish newspaper, Aftonbladet.

Per a translation from Breitbart London, Franchell's opinion piece referred to automobiles as "effective murder machines" that must be banned at once if our world leaders are truly committed to the cause of fighting terrorism.

Instead, it is cars — which she calls “effective murder machines” — that Franchell says “must simply be removed from city centres and places where people gather, if people are to be protected in future”.

Vehicles are “easy to steal, and so nothing has been able to stop their advance”, writes Ms. Franchell.

“It just isn’t reasonable that a big truck can be driven right into one of Stockholm’s busiest streets on a Friday afternoon right before Easter.”

But she does not stop there, making it a feminist issue in the most insulting way possible to any woman in our opinion.

“Cars are driven largely by men so by giving a lot of space to cars; we’re giving a lot of space to men — at the expense of women,” Karolina Skog explained.

What can we say? One of the hypocrisies of the appeasement movement has been its tolerance of Islam's abuse of women's rights. But here, we see a woman journalist actually take an act of terror, remove the terrorist behind the wheel, blame the vehicle, and replace the driver with any male driver. This makes it unsafe for women because men are drivers. 

Congratulations Eva Franchell!  You are the Queen of Strawman Logic. 

Pick your Narrative:

Trucks Are Sentient

  1. Terrorists dont kill people
  2. Trucks kill people
  3. Ban Trucks


All Men are Bad  

  1. The driver was a man
  2. Men kill women
  3. Ban Men driving trucks?

The Face of Appeasement


Dig in Globalist Appeasers. Your denial will be the end of us all. But before then, how will Eva get her caviar deliveries from Russia, bicycle?

About: The Soren K. Group of writers are currently 5 persons writing collectively. Backgrounds are professional, ranging from Finance to Banking to Real Estate. Topics include politics, markets, and Global Macro situations with a libertarian bent. Some posts are collaborative, some individually written.

Email: Sorenk@marketslant.com

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