Today's Global Quiz

What Do You Know?

1. A new study finds that the death rate from heart attacks in a given city is 15 percent higher on days when the city is holding a ____________.

Scroll down for the answer, or find it here.

3. About half the world’s jailed journalists are imprisoned in the nation of ____________.

Scroll down for the answer, or find it here.

2. In 2000, white students accounted for ____________ percent of American high-school graduates; today, the percentage of students of color is on the rise.

Scroll down for the answer, or find it here.

Answers: marathon, Turkey, 70



The Soren K. Group of writers are currently 5 persons writing collectively. Backgrounds are professional, ranging from Finance to Banking to Real Estate. Topics include politics, markets, and Global Macro situations with a libertarian bent. Some posts are collaborative, some individually written.


Twitter: @Sorenthek


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